
Cai Zhou 周偲

1st-year PhD @ MIT EECS.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

About Me

I am a first year PhD student in MIT EECS, co-advised by Tommi Jaakkola and Stephen Bates. I am affiliated with CSAIL and LIDS. My recent research focuses on the intersection of machine learning, generative models and AI4Science.

Prior to my PhD, I received a bachelor from the Department of Automation, School of Information at Tsinghua University. I am also a member of Class of General Artificial Intelligence of Tsinghua University, and I minor in statistics. In my undergraduate research, I am fortunate to work with Muhan Zhang at Institute for Artificial Intelligence of Peking University. We have great collaborations working on machine learning theories, graph neural networks, AI4Science and LLMs/foundation models. In the summer of 2023, I had the privilege to intern at UCSD advised by Yusu Wang and Rose Yu on machine learning. I also worked with Gao Huang at Tsinghua University on computer vision.

Research Interests

My research interest lies broadly in theoretical and applied machine learning. I aim to understand the foundations of machine learning, with a special focus on its probabilistic and geometric nature. I’m also interested in application areas including computer vision, natural language processing and computational biology. Some of my interested research topics include:


Publications & Preprints

  1. Preprint
    Cai Zhou, Xiyuan Wang, Muhan Zhang
    Preprint. Under review.

  2. AISTATS 2024
    Cai Zhou, Rose Yu, Yusu Wang
    Twenty-seventh International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2024.

  3. NeurIPS 2023
    Cai Zhou, Xiyuan Wang, Muhan Zhang
    Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2023.

  4. ICML 2023
    Cai Zhou*, Xiyuan Wang*, Muhan Zhang
    Fortieth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2023.

  5. Preprint
    Yulin Wang, Zanlin Ni, Yifan Pu, Cai Zhou, Shiji Song, Gao Huang
    International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV). Under review.


Conference Reviewers

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